Thursday, July 26, 2007

Usher & Tameka Foster

Tameka Foster and usher - will tie the knot this weekend at a private ceremony at L.A. Reid's Hampton mansion. Celebrity guests in attendance will include Jay Z and Beyonce (whom Jay Z hopes won't get any ideas, but just in case she does, Jay Z's mans-n-em Larry Johnson will be there to keep her in check). Janet and JD will also be in attendance.

Invited guests, who were informed of the pertinent details via a discreet phone call, do not include usher's mom Jonetta Patton and his longtime publicist Simone Smalls who were both fired by order of Tameka. Both women objected to the relationship.

A source said: "They want the ceremony to happen sooner rather than later because they want to get married before Tameka has the baby."

This weekend's nuptials will be 28-year-old Usher's first marriage, and Tameka's second. The baby - a boy - will be her fourth by 3 different men.

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