Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kim is super pissed that Scott wants to write a book about all of her Kardashian family secrets – and she’s calling him out for all the world to see!

Uh oh! Scott Disick has started some major drama with his baby mama’s family — and now one of Kourtney Kardashian’s sisters is fighting back! Kim Kardashian is so outraged over InTouch Weekly’s Sept. 20 cover story, which claims that Scott plans on revealing the clan’s secrets by writing a tell-all book, that she’s taking out her anger via Twitter!

“Seriously how dare u @ScottDisick !!! They are family secrets for a reason,” Kim, 29, tweeted along with a picture of the InTouch cover.

“I’m so sick of keeping my mouth shot, enough is enough, people need to know who you people really are,” Scott, 27, responded.

“But I would have paid u off! How much was your book deal for,” Kim replied, adding, “Wait who was homeless in the family, and who slept w the pool boy? Dying to know @ScottDisick?”

“I don’t want your kind of money,” Scott said back to Kim, also defending his reason for the tell-all to another Twitter account: “Cause I can! RT @Anna_DBieber.”

“OMG I was the homeless one??? hahahah!!!!!!!! Why do I not remember that? So odd! How did I block that out,” Kim tweeted. “If that never happened then are u making this stuff up @ScottDisick Or were u homeless, adopted & slept w ur pool boy & u are mixing it up?”

“I f*cked the pool boy while I was homeless after my adopted parents threw me out! My mistake kim,” Scott said sarcastically (and to get Kim to leave him alone).

“Thanks 4 revealing the truth,” Kim said, as she obviously had to have the final say.

Don’t mess with Kardashian family, Scott! You are SO going to get burned!


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