You must view the video! Please pass this on to family/friends so that
they are aware of what's going on. It's a must!
The following is something that should be of interest to us all:
On Oct 17, 2008 a young man went to "Journey's" (shoe store) in Kansas
City , MO. He bought a pair of shoes and then saw an identical pair at a
different store for less. As such, he bought the identical shoes from
the cheaper store and took back the original more pricey pair to
Journey's. Later on that night, as he was reviewing the receipt, he
noticed that the reason for the return was "Dumb N*gger". When he took
the receipt back to the store, they didn't even apologize but did admit
that the "reason" was in the system. Click the video below
< span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">http://www.kmbc. com/video/ 17768384/ index.html
The store (retail chain) featured in this story is not a place that I
shop frequent. However I wanted to send this out as a mass mailer to
alert anyone who may already be a regular customer, or could potentially
become one. There is power in the almighty dollar! Where are you
spending yours? Just something to consider. Please pass it along... PMQ
To my friends here in Prescott , there is one located in the Gateway
Mall. To my California friends they have about 80 stores statewide.
For a listing of stores through out the country: http://www.journeys
.com/store_ locator.aspx

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