Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Information around the net, " WAL-MART OPPOSES OBAMA PRESIDENCY....."

Wal-Mart is taking this outrageous step because Democrat Barack Obama has committed to pass the Employee Free Choice Act to restore workers' freedom to bargain for fair wages, health care, decent working conditions and a real voice on the job. All of America 's workers have the right to freely decide whom to vote for independent of employer pressure and intimidation. So, please forward this email to everyone you know. Be sure to get the word out. Let's hit them in their pocket book. STOP giving money to Wal-Mart Republ icans and Corporate Neo-Nazis.
We need to let our money do our talking. DON'T SHOP AT WAL-MART. Let's take them to school and hit them where it hurts – in their greedy little pocket books! Corporate giants like Wal-Mart have been suppressing workers' wages and passing along health care costs to hardworking taxpayers like you for years. Wal-Mart executives are getting rich, while we're being left behind. They understand what is at stake in this election, and so do we--a real voice at work for:

-- Fair pay;
-- Health care for all;
-- Equal treatment;
-- Safe workplaces; and
-- A secure retirement.
The Wall Street Journal reports that Wal-Mart is telling its managers to tell employees not to vote for Democrats (OBAMA). Here's the story:

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