Monday, April 28, 2008

Joke of the Week

A preacher wakes up one Sunday morning and looks outside. He sees it shaping up to be a beautiful day and decides to skip church to go play golf. He calls the junior pastor at his church and tells him he is sick and can't give the sermon. The junior pastor tells him not to worry, and that he will deliver the sermon.

The pastor drives about 40 miles away from town to avoid being spotted. As he sets up his first drive on the first hole, Jesus leans over to God in heaven and asks him, "Are You going to let him get away with this?"

God says, "Don't worry about it, My Son. I've got it all under control."

Right as God says that, the preacher hits the drive of his life. The ball travels all 450 feet to the green, bounces once, and rolls in the hole. The preacher is ecstatic.

Jesus looks back at God and asks,"Why would you let him do that?"

God smiles and says, "Who's he gonna tell?"