Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Something to ponder, Line up Your Heart

Line up Your Heart

"…The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart"
(I Samuel 16:7, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

When the Lord looks at your heart, what does He see? Every one has an outer life and an inner life. The outer life is our public life that people around us see. The inner life is made up of our thoughts, attitudes, and motives. Only you and God know what's going on inside of you.

Too many people go around today pretending—acting one way, yet on the inside they're thinking something totally different. Their heart and their actions don't line up. We have to understand that God looks at the inside. We can fool a lot of people, but we can't fool God. God would rather us be open and honest than go through life pretending.

Take inventory of what's going on inside of you today. Are you at peace? Are you overlooking offenses? Do you believe the best in people? Are your heart and actions lining up? If not, submit your ways to the Lord today and ask Him to give you an undivided heart. Line up your whole being so that you can live pleasing Him all the days of your life!

"Dear Father, I humbly come before You today and ask that You search the deep places of my heart. Show me if there is any area where I need to line up my heart and actions. Help me to be authentic in You today. In Jesus Name. Amen."

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