Friday, June 12, 2009

Mother, Three Children Killed by Fleeing Robber

A robber fleeing from police, jumped the curb with his car, killing a woman and her three children, The Philadelphia Daily News reports. “He literally cut a tree in half and then hit the 1-year-old, [who] was in a stroller,” Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey told the newspaper. “The other individuals were on the front porch of their own home. He struck with such force that it knocked the concrete steps loose.” Killed in the accident were Latoya Smith, 22; Smith’s daughter, Remedy Smith, who would have turned 1 on Friday; Alicia Griffin, 6; and Gina Rosario, 7, Clark said. Donta Cradock, 18, the alleged driver, faces charges for theft of a motorcycle, the crime that allegedly triggered his flight, police said.


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