Saturday, November 22, 2008

Virus attached to Obama emails

This has been verified on Snopes. Please be careful what you open.

Please be aware that although we have accomplished this great victory this week that the devil is angry and looking for a way to destroy all of us. People are upset by the history that has been made with President-Elect Obama.

There has been a virus formed and attached to the Obama acceptance speech.
This is a very bad virus that may cost you more than the Change we just made.

This is what they are hoping so if you recieve an e-mail offering for you to view this speech from an unknown sender please delete it immediately to avoid any damage it may cause to your computers.

Please share this information with as many as possible to help us all watch each others backs. Especially in a time like this Sadly this one is true. Because racism is alive and well it has come
to this. new viruses are found all the time. This is only one virus.

Others are likely to be found as the inauguration date approaches.

Searching this I found there are also viruses pertaining to tickets to the inauguration and Obama's transition team.

Word of caution - Do not open links to any website without an updated

virus scan program !!!

BEWARE !!!!!!!!

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