Thursday, October 02, 2008

Something to ponder, "What can I do to keep my man"

Keep him intellectually stimulated

Men are easily bored by women who lack ideas and are not up to speed on the affairs of the day. In order to hold the interest of your man, you must be able to discuss ideas that will expand his knowledge base. Teach him something he does not know, or share your opinion on a subject you know he is passionate about, and you can be sure he will want to have you around for a long time.

Look your best

Beauty and brains attract men like moths to a flame. If you keep him intellectually stimulated, and you also have the body that excites him, you have a powerful magnet that can keep him hooked on you for as long as you wish. Make sure that you do what you must to look good. Do your hair, nails, put on a little makeup, and whatever you do, stay away from layer and layers of makeup. Get clothes that accentuate the best part of you. Do not wear tight-fitting clothes, if you do not have the shapely body to go with it. Know what fits you and wear it.

If you have not enrolled in a gym, you need to do so right away. It is not enough to just eat the right foods and pop diet pills daily. You must eat a balanced diet and enroll in an exercise regimen to help increase your metabolism. Find a workout partner, or sign up for a personal trainer at your gym who can motivate you and design a workout program to fix your problem areas. You will certainly gain good health along with a positive mental attitude. Remember, when you keep fit and look good, you are not doing it just for your man. You are doing it for yourself as well.

Massage his ego once in while

Let your man know how good he is to you and how much you value him in your life. When your man feels that he is adding value to your life, when he feels appreciated, your are massaging his ego. Now you must be careful not to overdo this; otherwise it loses its impact, and your man may see you as a "brown noser".

Give him his space

Do not monitor how he spends every second of the day. Do not put him on a timer. Treat your man like an adult who has the ability to manage how he wants to spend his time. The more freedom you give him, more trusted he feels. And when your man feels you trust him, he is less apt to go out and cheat on you. Men will run away from you, if you try to cramp their style. If you keep tracking your where your man goes and who he is spending time with, you run the risk of alienating him.

Keep him sexually satisfied

A sexually satisfied man is like a dog that is well fed; you will not find it digging through the garbage. A sexually satisfied man is like an employee that works for a company that gives all employees full medical benefits, a great salary and excellent bonuses. You will not see an employee of such a company looking for a job elsewhere. I have used some analogies to attempt to paint a picture for you, but these scenarios fit the point I am making.

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