Friday, September 19, 2008

When Parenting Goes Wrong Pt. II: Some Little Girls Curse Up A Storm! (Airing Out A Chick From Myspace)


  1. in reference to the video titled "Some Little Girls Curse Up A Storm!"

    One The Little girls in this video is my 7 yr old god daughter. WE HAD ABSOLUTELY NOOOOOOO IDEA ABOUT THE VIDEO!!!!! The person who recorded that is a TEENAGER she is their big cousin and please BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY that situtaion was HANDLED as soon as we got word of this. I really cant explain what i felt when i saw that video however the children are NOT to blame. The other little girl is a friend of the family. But both children are honor roll students and attend church EVERY sunday! They are very well educated and are NOT raised to behave this way! They do have ONE myspace pg each to promote a modeling career for urban kids clothing. Any other pages you may see do not belong to them but most of them are fan pages. I really feel sad that people think parents would allow their kids to behave in such an ignorant manner. It never even occured to anyone that the parents or guardians had absolutely no knowledge of this. I am asking that you will please remove these video.

  2. All that you said up there is very hard to believe, they dumb

