Friday, September 08, 2006


So Janet get's no love from MTV wow that is so amazing. I guess if she had of apolizised like they wanted her to she would get more love from them. Justin covered his ass by apoliziging. I guess he did not want to be singing at the food bank for free. I like that BET is supporting Janet Jackson. However I really don't think that people were really voting her video on the countdown. It is just so strange how she had the countdown on lock. Her video was always in the top five. Then all of a sudden POOF the video just dissappeared. How can a video go from holding on strong at the top five for over 3 weeks to POOF off of the count down. I don't think I even saw the video drop I just saw it dissappear off the countdown. I think they were giving her love by putting her video on the count down for a resonable amount of time. Then after that time is up your on your own. This is just my 2 cents. Ya know kinda like Beyawnsays video ( Stop ringing the alarm )!

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