Friday, July 25, 2008

Naz and other protesters ( black and white ) before Fox News building

Naz and other protesters ( black and white ) stood before Fox News building to express how concerns about the racist smearing against African American Barack Obama
The petitions were started and organized by and
He is are some comments posted about this issue over the net.
There is nothing wrong with an alternative view point. The problem with fox is that they say they have an alternative viewpoint, but are rooted in lies, hate and misleading their viewers. If you ever have time, just watch three or four fox programs in a row and you will get the exact same information just from different mouths. and skin color does not matter. that is just ignorant. listen and watch and think! fox is not fair and balanced because the news they offer is given to them on them daily as "talking points". i mean im pretty sure they even say it. wtf. just watch and listen. they have a clear agenda and by watchin just a few programs is is very clear what the agenda is for the day and for the company. no one deviates from a story and it is always "debated" within the same parameters on every show. and for you to say Bill o'reilly is just old and doesnt understand, that is a cop out. its his job to understand and research. his objective, as a man who says he's focused on fair and balanced media, be to approach a hip hop artist like nas to get his viewpoint and to understand it. that just doesnt make sense. and im not calling him racists, but you mentioned three or four racists incidents regarding o'reilly, yet you choose to go along with what he tells you. look at people's actions not just the words. if he consistently does these things, then there must be a reason.
oh and for the record, the whole liberal media thing was started by FOX NEWS! there is no such thing as a liberal media, at least not mainstream. if that was the case, why does every news program follow the same major stories and why dont they ever offer a different format? watch cnn, nbc, abc, fox and you will get the exact same news coverage with the same or similar slant (even the same presentation). wake up and catch up.

I'm with Nas on the racist views that FOX broadcasts to the world, but...honestly I believe that Nas is only doing this now to get his face out there so people will buy that album which is some b$tch sh$t! Riding the bandwagon for financial gain, he no different than Sharpton or Jesse for that move he just pulled

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